As I was eating breakfast this morning, if you can even call it that (yogurt and granola), my little one comes up to me and says, “I want bite!” What was supposed to be “A bite” actually meant that I had to hand over my entire yogurt container to her.
(I'm being pretty brave here by putting pictures of myself 8 months pregnant, 5 minutes after waking up. :) Please be kind!)
Elianna making her move.
Going in for the steal.
Almost there...
This got me thinking about all the simple things that I used to enjoy before having children. Things that I would have never viewed as luxuries until now. If you have children, then you know what I mean.
Not that I would trade this time for ANYTHING, but every now and then, I do miss some of those simpler times….
A few simple luxuries that Mommy use to have:
Finishing a cup of coffee—I can’t tell you how many times I’ve made myself a cup of coffee only to get distracted by the kids and it gets cold. So I stick it in the microwave to warm it up and then forget about it again. I usually remember somewhere around dinner time when Tim calls out, “hey coffee waster!” while pulling out my cold gross coffee from the microwave. “Oh yeah!” I respond. “I never got to finish my cup of coffee!”
Eating on my own--It doesn’t matter what I have in my hand, mommy is ALWAYS required to share her food or drink!
Going to the bathroom—Come on! Every time the door closes you can bet that’s when the little ones start knocking and opening up the door.
Here are a few of my favorite lines:
“Mommy what are you doing?”
“Mommy, I need to go poo-poo right now!”
But my favorite is…."its ok, sweetie, don’t cry!" "relax, your tummy will feel much better, I promise!”
Getting Dressed—This used to be a HUGE challenge, but now that our little one is getting older, I have been able to incorporate Room Time which has been a big help! This is a time for the girls to play together in their room or watch a video while mommy gets ready...usually uninterrupted!
Putting on my makeup—My girls LOVE makeup! At times it can be so much fun watching them put on their play make up. But then there are times when it's not so funny, like when I'm in a hurry to get out the door! So, I am learning that I have to be very careful not to pull my makeup out around the girls or it turns into a big whine fest!!
Reading—still trying to figure out how to get this in without being up too late at night! They probably have a hundred books, but if I pull mine out (which has no pictures), it will only be a matter of time before they're pulling it out of my hands!
Listening to music (especially in the car) —I really miss this one! For those that know us, you know that we LOVE music, so this has been a huge sacrifice! Tim and I have grown accustomed to listening to Barney, Children’s worship music, Children Spanish Songs, and etc…
Ahhh….simpler times!!
What are some luxuries you use to enjoy before kids??