Though they are bit pricy, my favorite bins are the ones below that I purchased from the Container Store! Because they are deep and stack up on top of each other, they're perfect for organizing clothes, toys, and etc... I have six of them that I use in our toy closet. They are labeled leggos, puzzles, miscellaneous toys, doodle pads, phonics, etc.. They're great! We have found them so useful in storing both the large bulkier toys as well as the miscellaneous toys that don't necessarily need a home of their own. The best part is, is that my 3 and 1 year old know where everything goes!
Toys are rotated and displays those that are most frequently used.
On the less expensive side, the most practical and functional containers are the 6qt plastic containers (below) that I purchased at the $1.00 store. These come in handy because I can use them to store just about anything; such as art supplies, playdoh, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, crayons, etc..
I also love my "stackable 12in.turntables" from target! I have found these very useful in organizing our kitchen pantry and storing things like, vinegar, tabasco, cooking products, etc... These have also come in handy in our medicine cabinet.
For more WFMW ideas visit Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer!
For more great tips on organizing, be sure to visit the orgjunkie!
Monica-oops I mean Mel,
Can you come to my house!
Nick Beam
I love it Mel!!!
You are gonna have to come down and offer some help and a shopping trip for my organization :-)
psst I finished a bib for your baby boy today. We should get together soon....
I feel so comforted to know there are other label maker lovers out there! I hope our next house is as organized as yours. I bet it makes play time and cleaning up much much funner and easier and not to mention the space saving!
Oh I love those stackable containers. I use them for bath toys in the bathroom and underneath the bathroom sink for various things. Great pics!
Laura (orgjunkie)
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