Scripture is full of new beginnings! In fact, when we first give our hearts to Christ, we are given a new beginning! The bible says the old self is put to death and the new has come! We have a fresh start, we are a new creation with a new beginning in Christ!
As we continue to live for Christ, submitting ourselves to His authority he begins to change us...molding us more and more into his image. We are constantly transforming! Scripture says that we serve a God whose mercies are new every morning! Thank goodness that God is in the business of giving us do-overs! (And not just at the beginning of a new year, but any time, any day!
I love how the bible highlights this by allowing us to see real people who were given new beginnings, do-overs! Paul, once being a man that persecuted and killed Christians, had a powerful encounter wtih God on the road to Damascus. God called him out and gave him a new name, a new identity, a new vision. He had a new beginning and was used as God's instrument to advance his kingdom. His conversion is a powerful and vivid example of transformation and growth...of a new beginning!
As we reflected on this during our discussion time at Mom Time last Friday, we had the opportunity to share some areas in our lives that we would like to see new beginnings in, areas that we needed transformation in. This could be personally, professionally, spiritually, in our marriage and or family. It was great to articulate these things and process them out loud together! We ended with a time of prayer submitting ourselves to each of these areas before the Lord.
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