Our two girlies were in the room with us when my ultrasound was being done. When our big girl was asked if she wanted a boy or girl, she emphatically declared, "I want a girl, I want a girl!" So when the technician turned to us and said, "it's a boy" her response was simply, "ok, now it's time to find the girl baby!" Hilarious!!
In the words of my big girl, now it's time...to pick a name!!! Noah has been on the table ever since we were pregnant with big girl #1. Being that we did not know in advance the sex of the baby, this was the boy named we had picked out. So it's definitely high on our list!
While we had a great report overall on our ultra sound, the midwives did discover a slight shading over the left ventricle of the heart. They explained that this is pretty common at this stage, but they do want to follow up with another ultra sound at my 28wk visit. They indicated that many times the shading disappears and there are no problems. However, if this shading is still detected at my 28wk visit, then we will need to see a specialist.
So, we are fervently lifting this up to the Lord. We welcome your prayers over our little one and are hopeful that all is ok!
Will keep ya posted!
Congratulations! Little boys are so different from girls, but just as wonderful...what a blessing that you get to experience both. Brandon and I will be praying and hope to hear great news about your next sonogram!
OMG!!! I am soooo very happy and excited for you!!! What a blessing is right. Oh! This is the best news in a while. I haven't been on blogger in a while bc my laptop died. But...I just got on and WOW I'm happy I did. A HUGE Congratulations to you and Tim! Ohh BOY! Noah's on the way... :-) I'm so so very happy for you guys!!
OK...I just finished reading. I'll certainly say a little prayer for you guys as well. Keep me posted please. And you know I'm here if you need ANYTHING!
What about Timothy? No? Oh, ok! ;-) Congrats, Mel!
i am so excited for y'all! a little boy! can't wait to meet him. i will pray that everything is ok with his little heart.
Mel. I am so excited to have new nephew. That is going to be a different experience. Now "Tia Jenny" has to work extra hard at picking out gifts and outfits. =) I will keep reading your blog for results on your next sonogram.
Wow I thought for sure you'd be joining us and the cokes in the 3 girls club! Congrats on boy parts! Now I can buy boy clothes, even if they're not for me, I can enjoy getting some for you!
i am so so happy for you guys! Jason and I love the name Noah too!! I can't wait to meet him... I am sure you can't either. :) I will be praying for you guys and his health.
CONGRATS!!! Boys are awesome!
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