Not only does baby wearing promote parent child bonding and help to soothe baby, but it’s very practical and functional! A definite must have for mommies on the go (or mommies with small children)!
I am amazed at how easily baby falls asleep in these things! The sling has been a life saver on numerous occasions. Not only when shopping alone with the kids, but especially when juggling the kiddos at bedtime. I can pop baby in the sling and attend to the girls all at the same time!
While I loved the ring sling because it was great for nursing and could easily be adjusted to fit me or my husband (he’d only wear it around the house), I wanted something a little more lightweight and portable.
So, when we had baby number two I decided to purchase a Hot Sling. I was attracted to this sling not only because it was super stylish, but I loved the idea of being able to fold and tuck it away in my purse or diaper bag! It was light weight and very convenient. However, to my disappointment I soon discovered that it wasn’t very practical for nursing. This was a definite let down.
Needless to say, I have been shopping for slings again. This time I decided to try a wrap with baby number three! Though they look somewhat intimidating, wraps offer the same hands free convenience as slings and have a variety of different ways you can wear your baby inlcuding the front, hip and back! In addition, their great for nursing!
Here is the Gypsy Mama Balibaby Gauze I just purchased at The Sling Station. I also decided to try this water wrap as well. I know we will be spending a lot of time at the pool this summer (a place where I definitely need to be hands free). I can’t wait to try them both out!
I’ll be sure to follow up with my reviews. I'd love to hear your reviews of baby slings, wraps or carriers and your adventures in baby wearing!
I would have liked to be able to use a sling but Cortlyn refused to go in one I mean he screamed bloody murder. The kid when he was first born figured out how to get out of the swaddling at the hospital. He never liked his hands contricted go figure. Maybe this baby on the way will cooperate more in that area!!
There is also a waterproof sling that might work at the pool, if the wrap is making you too hot -
I haven't ventured out to the pool with 3 little ones on my own yet, but I know I'll need to soon! :)
I never could figure out a pouch sling like Hotslings. I needed the adjustability of a ring sling. I'm quite the carrier junkie, though. Here are my favorites, different "slings" for different babywearing occasions and different baby ages!
Moby wrap: perfect for snuggling newbies.
Ring sling: perfect for crading very young ones or for a quick hip carry with a middle-sized baby.
Mei Tai: versatile 2 shouldered carrier if a sling hurts your back. Can be worn front or back! AND the best part--easy to make yourself! My favorite pattern is found here, and you use about 2.5 yards of cotton home decor fabric (from the back of the fabric store). http://www.sleepingbaby.net/jan/Baby/bbo.html
Ergo or Beco (we have one of each): soft structured carriers are great for heavier babies and longer periods of time--like a trip to the zoo! David wears Jono in our Ergo on his back all the time.
Babywearing is one of the main reasons I can't WAIT to have these babies!
If anyone is interested, there is a Sugar Land Babywearers group that meets at the library by my house on the 2nd Monday of the month at 1pm. It's one of my favorite monthly get-togethers! You can try on all sorts of fun things and see what works for you and your little ones!
Melanie--are you tired of me hijacking your blog posts yet?
You will have to join the babywearing blogroll (see it on my sidebar!)
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