Thursday, December 20, 2007
I've Been Elfed
Thanks Jen! The girls have been asking to watch it over and over again!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Trees, Toddlers and Ornaments!!
Here are a few pictures of the fabulous job the girls did hanging up ornaments. I love how there is at least 10 candy canes on one branch and 10 icicles bundled up on another. The other half of our tree was completely bare so Papi and I had to help fill in the gaps when the kiddos went to bed. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to do much good because the very next morning all of the candy canes and icicles were rearranged again.
And just to give you an even better idea of what life has been like with two little ones this holiday season, here’s what I found on our tree the other day after the girlies had been tucked into bed:
Here's what mommy's been working on. I decided to try my hand at making popcorn garland this year! My mother, sister and I decided to make a girls night of it! Of course, the little ones helped too even though they were more interested in eating it! We had a great time! The tree looks very festive, not to mention my whole house smells like popcorn...yummy!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Breakfast with Santa
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Jesse Tree-Creation Ornaments
Here is a video clip of Papi sharing the story of creation with them and some pics of the girls hanging up their ornaments on the Jesse Tree.
Ellie saying, "I did it!"
Before going to bed Isa asked me what story and ornament we would be doing tomorrow! Can you tell I'm enjoying this new little tradition we've started! Thanks again for the idea rocks in my dryer!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Celebrating Advent
In doing so, I came across two great ideas in celebration of advent! The first being the Jesse Tree (I found this idea at rocks in my dryer)!
I had never heard of a Jesse Tree before, but as I read more about it I loved the idea of helping the kids see how everything in the bible points to the coming of our Saviour.
I love the way The Story Book Bible captures that truth: "You see the best thing about this Story is--It's true. There are lots of stories in the bible, but all the stories are telling one BIG Story. The Story of how God loves his children and comes to rescue them."
Isn't that the truth! And such a simple one at that! ; )
The idea of the Jesse Tree comes from Isaiah 11:1 which says,
"A shoot shall come out from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots."
Jesse was the father of David, Israel's greatest king. Because of that, he is often thought of as the first person in the geneology of Jesus. To give you a little backdrop, God had promised a discouraged nation that a new King would rise up out of the family of Jesse to save them and rule the whole earth. If you've forgotten the story. Go back and read it. It's a great one! But more importantly, it points to the coming of Jesus; the fulfillment of that promise. It is decorated with reminders or ornaments of how God prepared the world for the coming of our King Jesus who would reign forever and ever.
If you want to celebrate advent, the Jesse Tree is a simple and creative way the whole family can celebrate Jesus! My girls love it! Perhaps yours will too!
Here's how it works:
As each story is told it describes the events OR members in Jesus' family beginning with the "root of Jesse" and ending with the birth of Christ.
Following the scripture reading, we hang up an ornament that symbolizes that specific story. Sometimes, the girls will even act it out. Any chance to be dramatic and they're all over that!
For example, the first scripture/devotional read on December 1st is taken from the passage above, Isaiah 11:1. So, to symbolize the "stump of Jesse" we made an ornament of a tree. Below are the ornaments the girls made.
On December 2nd the story of creation is told. This is where your creativity comes in! What reminds you of creation? Is it animals, the moon, the sun, a picture of a globe. You can use anything that helps you remember the scripture you read.
For the Jesse Tree Devotional click here.
For additional information on the history of the Jesse Tree click here or here.
Another great idea that I came across is.......

It describes the significance behind each tradition such as hanging lights outside, the candy cane, christmas tree, ornaments, gift wrapping, etc…and describes how these customs relate to Jesus’ birth.
For example, when hanging our Christmas tree I was able to share with the girls how the Tree reminds us of the sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf. He died on a tree to forgive us of our sins so that we could live forever with Him. The branches remind us of how he stretched out his arms for us like the branches that need to be stretched out to hold our pretty christmas ornaments. The lights remind us that Jesus is the Light Of The World who takes away the the sins of the world.
I had overlooked these simple explanations of our holiday traditions simply because I had grown accustomed to them. Have you? In the ADVENTure of Christmas you'll even find simple ideas for little crafts to incorporate with each story. Take the time to reflect this season. May you see Christ in your Holiday Traditions and be captured by his love and beauty!