The girls of course went nuts over them! They loved the idea of having their own personal cups that only they could drink out of. Because of that, my mom suggested using their cups as a teaching tool about germs and not drinking after others (especially when sick)!
Because it can be difficult to reason with little ones at this stage (and because mama doesn’t really like them drinking after other people anyway), it turned out to be an effective and easy way to keep the girls from drinking after one another and laid the foundation for teaching them about germs in general.
In addition, not only are they learning to drink from their own glasses, but since these are the only cups (they each have two) the girls want to use, it’s actually cut down on dirty dishes. So much so, that we’ve even tossed around the idea of getting rid of all the extra sippy cups! It works for us!
For more WFMW ideas, be sure to visit Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer!
Good idea! We need to do whatever works to keep kids on the right track. Thank you! :)
Hey Melanie,
Not sure if you will remember me. I ran across your wfmw post and thought, you looked familiar. Then I saw Tim on your page and knew it was ya'll! I'm Tamara Holmes Phillips. My family went to Trinity when ya'll were there. My parents are George and Rhonda and I have a younger sister Lauren. Congrats on the girls and the boy on the way! Such a small world to run across your blog! We live in Cypress now but my folks are still in Friendswood. Anyway, just wanted to say hello! Tell Tim hello too!
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