..."popsicles on the porch"...what a great afternoon treat and our favorite way to spend time together! These are simple and precious moments! Princess #1 and Princess #2 along with Little Man #1 and #2 are my inspiration for most of these writings.
WHERE did you get that? Bobby has some, but he won't be able to wear them until 12 mos. or so. We have 2 from when Rob was little. Sooo cute! I would love to have one he could wear now. He looks so handsome!
Melanie, I had such a great time with you the other day. Looking forward to the next time. What you shared about caring for our homes (and the cleaning tips) was encouraging and has really motivated me to care for our home more diligently this week. THANKS!! What you were sharing reminded me of this great parody that I posted on my blog. See you Sunday! : ) PS Have a great time tonight at MomTime!
Hi! My name is Melanie! Thanks for stopping by! I welcome your comments and look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Did you ever say to yourself...I could NEVER be a stay at home mom? I did...and now I'm a stay at home mom and loving it! This blog primarily reflects how God guided me to this decision, the vision he has given me for motherhood and the things that I am learning through this season!
God has blessed me with such a wonderful husband that I've been married to for 10 years. We have two beautiful little girls and two handsome little dudes. They have truly brought so much joy to our hearts that it's kind of hard to remember what life was like before we had them.
Adoption has always been on our hearts and though we don't know where all that fits in just yet, we know that whatever that looks like and whenever that is, God's timing is always perfect.
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
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short t...
I've moved!!!
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blog. I will no longer be posting on this blog site. I will keep it up
for memo...
We've Moved!
We've moved!
Please wait - in 10 seconds you should be redirected to my new blog page,
http://leighbortins.com/blogger. If your browser does not automatic...
Tend to Your Own Weeds
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task of tending to my neighbor's garden while they were away. The main
thing ...
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The post 女性に対して積極的にアタックできる男性になろう first ap...
1 year
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school makes my days busy!!)
We kept Logan's party small... just us, a few lit...
Round Top 2011
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do to you, I guess! I decided to end this blogging absence with some
pictures ...
Because Christmas Will Be Here Soon
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really tho...
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Our Advent Calendar
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I'd Love to Hear _____________ Sing That Song...
So the other day, Mel and I were sitting around talking about songs we
love. Conversation quickly went to "man I bet this guy would tear that
song up..." ...
Soooooo Cute!
How adorable! He is so handsome.
WHERE did you get that? Bobby has some, but he won't be able to wear them until 12 mos. or so. We have 2 from when Rob was little. Sooo cute! I would love to have one he could wear now. He looks so handsome!
He is too cute, Mel!!
I think he and Eden would make a great couple!! hehe
Melanie, I had such a great time with you the other day. Looking forward to the next time. What you shared about caring for our homes (and the cleaning tips) was encouraging and has really motivated me to care for our home more diligently this week. THANKS!! What you were sharing reminded me of this great parody that I posted on my blog. See you Sunday! : ) PS Have a great time tonight at MomTime!
Like Morgan, I too would love to have one for Gregory!!! Where O Where can one be found? :D
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